Saturday, 17 October 2015

Deutschland Tour 2015

Vom 07.10 bis 17.10 gehe ich mit andere Austauschuelern in Distrikt 1900 ob Deutschland Tour. Hamburg. Berlin. Dresden. Muenchen. Rothenburg ob der Tauber. 53 Austauschueler, 1 Bus, 2 Rotarien und 4 Rotex.

From 07.10 to 17.10 I went on a Deutschland tour with the other exchange students in District 1900. Hamburg. Berlin. Dresden. Muenchen. Rothenburg ob der Tauber. 53 Exchange students, 1 Bus, 2 Rotarians and 4 Rotex members. 

A video was made by Helena Del Bianco from Brazil, you can see below. 

We started in Bielefeld on the 7th October and then travelled first to Hamburg. We then went to Berlin, through Dresden then Muenchen in Bavarian Germany and then went to Rothenburg ob der Tauber. We made so many photos and I will share some with you in the powerpoint presentation J. My favourite places were Berlin, Muenchen and Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Berlin had so many historic things to see and I would like to go back to see more of the memorials and all. We were able to visit the Olympian Stadion in our free time and I thought it was so cool, it may be just a stadium but it was known as the vision of Hitler. The other exchanges and I spoke about how he was able to so much in such a short amount of time. We concluded that he was a very smart and influential man but sadly he used his abilities to cause destruction instead of promote world peace. Muenchen I found was really cool because it looked typical German everywhere to me. All of the old houses had flowers overhanging on the outside and it was such a beautiful city. We were able to meet up with other rotary exchanges in that district, it was cool to meet new people – my friends and I met a boy whose family was the second richest in France and he has his own castle and everything, it was crazy his family was almost royal. Rothenburg ob der Tauber was such a cute little city, we only had a night and day there but it was a nice way to finish the tour. I learnt on the tour that places that ended with burg are places that have a castle and was established in that location because of this castle. I thought that was also cool. 

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